Flight Information
To get to the beautiful island of Tobago, you first need to fly to Trinidad, then fly or take a ferry to Tobago.
The flight to Tobago is approximately 20 minutes and can be booked separately from the flight to Trinidad. However, note that if you choose to book the flights separately, you will need to collect your bags in Trinidad and re-check them for the Tobago flight.
The ferry takes about 3 - 3.5 hours, and you need to leave the airport in Trinidad and take a taxi ride (approx. 30 mins) to the ferry dock to get on. The ferry arrangements are made separately.
We know travel arrangements can be tricky, so we’ve arranged for our guests to have access to a travel agent who is happy to assist. If you would like to use her services for booking flights and accommodations, see information below:
Yulini Travel Agency
Yulini Ramowtar
Agency Phone: 718 925 0600 or 917 945 2425
Agency Email: yulinitravel@yahoo.com

Where to Stay
Villas and Hotels
We have villas and hotel rooms blocked for wedding guests in the Black Rock and Buccoo Bay areas of Tobago. Mention the Wilson–Anderson wedding when you book to get the group discounts. The wedding and reception will be held at the Villas at Stonehaven and that is where we’ll be staying. We have reserved Quads (4 bedrooms), Doubles (2 bedrooms) and Single (1 bedroom) villas. Each bedroom in a villa will hold up to 2 people (for example, Quad villas hold 8 people comfortably) and each bedroom has an en suite. Note that most villas are originally Quads, so if you’re not booking the full villa they close off the other rooms. We recommend coordinating with others to use the entire villa to make your stay more economical.
Le Grand Courlan Spa Resort
Stonehaven Bay, Black Rock, Tobago
Website: www.legrandtobago.com
Phone: +1 868 463 2946
Villas at Stonehaven
Stonehaven Bay, Black Rock, Tobago
Call to Book: Mention Wilson-Anderson Wedding
Website: www.stonehavenvillas.com
Phone: +1 868 639 0361
Grafton Beach Resort
Stonehaven Bay, Black Rock, Tobago
Website: www.graftontobago.com
Phone: +1 868 610 6685
Buccoo Reef View Apts.
Buccoo, Tobago
Book via Booking.com: (link below)
Website: Booking.com
Phone: +1 868 660 7264
Email: info@reefviewapts.com